January 2002
Sunday 27th January 2002
I've fabricated two aluminium sheets which fit in the boot space, and cover the fuel cell, and the fuel pump & filter. The competition regulations state that the fuel cell must be contained within a metal container, and this is the easiest way to comply with the reg's. I used carboard sheet to make templates, and then cut the 18 gauge aluminium sheet out by hand, using Gilbows and tin snips. Hard work! Pictures to follow.
Friday 25th January 2002
I ordered an adjustable Panhard Rod kit from Trans Auto Sport, over two months ago, and despite numerous complaints to them about the delay, they still haven't delivered. I really can't go anywhere with the car until its fitted. I tried modifying my original, but the TAS kit is a lot more robust, and probably worth the wait. But the question is, how long should I wait?
Sunday 20th January 2002
Wired the wiper motor in. I now have functioning windscreen wipers at last. Took a while to suss the wiring out, but eventually, after a couple of blown fuses, I spotted the mistake and everything started working. I'm only using the Lo speed option, as if it is raining hard enough to need the Hi wiper motor speed, the event is usually called off!
New sponsors stickers arrived from Jenvey, so I've stuck them on the doors. I hate trying to find the right place for stickers. They never look right, no matter where they go.
Saturday 19th January 2002
The Mondeo is back home. They had to replace the door skin, after I complained that the 'filler' repair job they'd attempted looked botched. She looks real nice and new again. I keep thinking I should sell it and get something more modern, but with all the new paint she's had over the past 15 months, its hard to think of a really good reason to sell her. Only 80K on the clock, and she still goes and stops really well.
I now have a connector for the windscreen wiper motor (ta Jim), so that'll get wired in today.
Tuesday 15th January 2002
OK, so I screwed up. I deleted some of my unread emails. There was one on the subject of XR2i's and another with pictures for the Zetec Register page. If you sent these, please resend them and I'll make sure I don't screw up again. Thanks.
The Mondeo is in the body shop again. This time to repair some damage to the passenger door (wasn't my fault!). Anyway, learnt today that the shop is having problems matching the colour. The car was totally resprayed in October 2000, and they don't seem to have used quite the right 'blue', so matching the colour is proving quite difficult. I don't mind, I have a nice new Mercedes A-Class hire car which is a bit basic, but a Mercedes all the same.
Saturday 12th January 2002
Nottingham Sports Car club membership pack arrived. I've some new stickers on the car now, supplied by Grass Roots Motorsports, and some NSCC championship stickers. I've also bought a wide angle lens for the Kodak DX3600. Results are quite weird.
I've bought a model of a Mk1 Fiesta off Ebay. Its a Scalextric car, so if I get some track I can race it round and round. Question is, should I spray it red and stick some zetecinside decals on it?

Sunday 6th January 2002
Tidying up at the moment. The brake pipes inside the car are now securely fastened with P clips, together with the circuit breaker pull cable. Pop riveted the VIN plate back on to the front bulkhead. Riveted the chequer plate sheet to the floor, under the pedals. Provides a non slip surface for my heels when driving. Tidied the wiring in the engine bay with cable ties to make everything secure.
Contacted my local Cat 'A' scrutineer, to ask about obtaining a competition log book. Sounds straight forward, but I do need a 6x4 photograph '3/4 on' of the front of the car, to go in the logbook, which I don't have at the moment. He's going to check safety stuff, like seatbelt mountings etc. There is a possibility that the car may have to be inspected by a technical commissioner, as the engine has been changed. The scrutineer is going to make enquiries for me.
Made a diagram of the RS camber nuts, so if you wish you can get your own made. They fit on the front struts and allow adjustment of the camber of the front wheels. I've already got adjustable strut tops which allow caster/camber adjustment, but I may fit these too to give additional adjustment. Camber nuts diagram
I just need to get on with boxing the fuel cell in now. I'll use cardboard to make a template, then create aluminium sheets to box everything in securely.
Friday 4th January 2002
A cold start to the year! Too cold to do any work outside at the moment anyway. Its below freezing, and theres nothing that can't wait for a month or so.
I've registered with the Midland Speed Championship and Nottingham Sports Car club, in class 4B. See the new Event News page for details of this years race calendar.
My Camber Nuts have arrived back from the States. I gave them to Mark Porter for his Mk1 Fiesta racer, and as they're now surplus to his requirements, they're now back with me in the UK.
Here's a picture of the sunroof, fitted to the Fiesta. Looks great don't you think?